As a student spends most of his day at school, we feel it of high importance to make the parents part of their scholastic life and their achievements, academics, and extra-mural activities.Aangesien 'n student die grootste gedeelte van sy dag by die skool spandeer, is dit van groot belang dat die ouers deel van hul skolastiese lewe, hul prestasies en deelname op sport- en kultuurgebied moet wees
Due to various laws and regulations we have to adhere to, we have been advised by our Legal Department that the parent/guardian of each child must give the school consent to publicise their child’s photo, whether it is Academic or Sport photos in/on any form of media, for example: newspapers, Instagram, Facebook, Digi TV or the school’s Website.Weens verskeie wette en regulasies wat ons moet nakom, is ons deur ons Regsafdeling aangeraai dat die ouer / voog van elke kind die skool toestemming moet gee om hul kind se foto te publiseer, of dit akademiese of sportfoto's is, in / op enige vorm van media, byvoorbeeld: koerante, Instagram, Facebook, Digi TV of die skool se webwerf.
I/Ek , Parent or Gaurdian/Voog of ouer of/van
(Write in the box above: "Give Permission " or "Do not give permission ")(Skryf in die boks bo: "Gee toestemming" of "Gee NIE Toestemming")
to Ligbron Academy of Technology to publish my child’s photo in/on any media.aan Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie om my kind se foto in enige media te publiseer
Please note: Ligbron Academy of Technology will never publish a photo which is harmful, insulting or belittling towards any student or staff member .
Let wel: Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie sal altyd alles in hulle vermoë doen om te voorkom dat 'n foto wat skadelik of beledigend is teenoor enige student, of personeellid, publiseer word.